There are complexities to launching sneakers globally, including language barriers. But there’s also the very simple and universal language of “Does it look cool?”

For ASICS, we launched 3 different shoes, creating a distinct visual identity for each, and supplying a global toolkit and style guide to activate the campaigns around the world.

GEL-Cumulus 23

Running does more than condition your body. It clears your mind. Gives you energy. And takes you to a better place than where you started. Running, it turns out, keeps you running.

This campaign embraced that relaxed, zen-like sensation runners experience while “in the zone” by adopting a calming, pastel color palette to create a surreal, almost other-worldly visualization of that feeling.

The Sakura Collection

Inspired by the Japanese sakura tree, ASICS 2022 Collection wanted to encourage women to bring out their inner runner.

We started by juxtaposing a soft, cherry blossom inspired color palette with strong imagery of athletes in motion, then layered the images on top of each other in concentric shapes and patterns to create the feeling of outward movement, like flowers in bloom.

The MetaRide is the most technically advanced running shoe in the history of ASICS, using proprietary technology that is very hard to explain. The best way ASICS could describe it was with a japanese expression, “koron, koron”, which has no english translation, but loosely means a feeling of perpetual motion. Kind of.

Since the proper words to describe it didn’t exist, we found the proper way to visualize it, by creating a living sole that propels runners forward.

The Metaride



